Star Fruit Mix | Descriptions

A nutritional herbal supplement which promotes sleep and relaxation.
A blend of safe herbal extracts.
No side effects.
No addiction.
Quiet restful sleep is essential to peaceful life.
The day following a short sleep or sleeplessness night will be difficult one with loss of concentration and dangers of exposure to serious mistakes or accidents.
Sleeping well is the most important factor underlying the success .

A nutritional herbal supplement which promotes sleep and relaxation.
A blend of safe herbal extracts. No side effects. No addiction.

We offer you a distinguished herbal remedy which does not interfere with the natural sleep pathway. It has muscle relaxing properties and induces relaxed, restful deep sleep without any side effect, neither addiction nor hang- over properties.

Star Fruit Powder
Permitted Food Preservative(E202)

Each box contains 30 sachets